Saturday, February 03, 2007

India Rising - order out of chaos?

Just found this fantastic video online.

In the last few years, everyone in the US has seen and heard and read ad nauseum about the Infosys campus and the call centers that are the symbols of the "New" and upcoming India. In this video, you can see, perhaps for the first time, beyond this hoopla. See the shantytowns in Bombay with Pentium PCs at work inside broken down hovels and the buzz of activity in a Delhi bazaar. You'll see young Indians making statements that may surprise many (for example, a young tutor says "A child in the 7th grade in India is at about the same level as a child in the 10th grade in the US"). I, for one, am not among the surprised.

India Rising.

Things seem to be finally getting to the point where the organized chaos that is India can be appreciated for what it is. And full credit to ABC for actually making an effort.

1 comment:

Dreamer said...

true. It is a shocker for people who recently had been there after a long time...." Mera Bharat Mahan!"