Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Women without spouses

From the NYT of the day. I'm sure the content is interesting, but full marks on geekery (and zero for readability) for the title.

51% of women now live without spouse.


Anonymous said...

you mean 51% AMERICAN women live without spouses. the world is flat.

Nisha Pillai said...


My point was that the title is meaningless except in the geekiest sense. It doesn't convey any meaning, including the one you point out.

Rekha said...

Apparently, this got Jay Leno's attention too... "The New York Times says that more women are now living without a husband. The worst part about women living alone is that they no longer have anyone at home to not listen to them."

Anonymous said...

Worst case is that women now are so lazy to take on responsibilities.They just want to run away and lead a independent life without anybody looking over there shoulders or questioning them. Such a trend will only lead to a fractured society.

Nisha Pillai said...


Are you saying that people who don't want responsibilities choose to live alone? Hmm, interesting theory. How does that work?

Who pays the bills for people who live alone? How do they pay the bills? Do you think some "responsible" member of society sponsors all their expenses?

Let's not make nonsensical statements, if we can help it.

Anonymous said...

I was talking about responsibilities that come when you stay as a family. Today people don’t want those extra responsibilities. Today why we are seeing lot of divorces? Nobody has time for his or her spouses or kids. Its like a big burden. If you have a family or married , you know what I am talking about.

By the way who is bothered about people living alone? Even animals know how to take care of themselves.

Hope you got my point

Nisha Pillai said...


So anyone who doesn't have a family is no better than an animal? Why, do animals not know how to reproduce?

Dreamer said...

@ Loveblue:
I did not understand your comments, sorry! But at least you agreed that when it is a family, it is the woman who is the 'responsible one' ha ha ha..

Anonymous said...

Daya, I got my message across the person I wanted to. It does not matter to me if you understood my comments or not.

Nisha Pillai said...


You seem to be making points to yourself more than anything else. Good luck with the circular logic, but repeating the same statement at increasing levels of stridency gets you nowhere.

Anonymous said...

Nothing more to say.
Mission Accomplished ;-)

Nisha Pillai said...


Well, congratulations. It seems like you're understanding yourself, at the very least.